- Conditional operator (?:) is the only ternary operator available in Java which operates on three operands.
- The symbol "?" placed between the first and the second operand , and " : " is inserted between the second and third operand.
- The first operand (or expression) must be a boolean .
- The conditional operator together with operands form a conditional expression which takes the following form.
Syntex :
expr1? expr2 : expr3
- where expr1 is a boolean expression and expr2 and expr3 are the expressions of any type other than void.
- The expr2 and expr3 must be of the same type.
- If expr1 has value true, the operator returns a result expr2 .
- If expr1 has value false, the operator returns a result expr3 .
During the calculates the value of the first argument . if it has the true value , then calculates the second (middle ) argument returned as a result . However , if the calculated result of the first argument is false, then it is given the third ( last ) argument the returned as a result. Here is an example of the use of the operator " ? " :