Monday, 7 August 2017

Character set in java

·          We can convert a Unicode character to a sequence of bytes and vice versa using an encoding scheme. ·          The thumbnail 1 summary
·         We can convert a Unicode character to a sequence of bytes and vice versa using an encoding scheme.
·         The java.nio.charset package provides classes to encode/decode a CharBuffer to a ByteBuffer and vice versa.
·         An object of the Charset class represents the encoding scheme. The CharsetEncoder class performs the encoding. The CharsetDecoder class performs the decoding.
·         We can get an object of the Charset class using its forName() method by passing the name of the character set as its argument.
·         For simple encoding and decoding tasks, we can use the encode() and decode() methods of the Charset class.
·         The following code shows how to encode a sequence of characters in the string Hello stored in a character buffer and decode it using the UTF-8 encoding-scheme.

Charset cs  = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
CharBuffer cb  = CharBuffer.wrap("Hello");
ByteBuffer encodedData   = cs.encode(cb);
CharBuffer decodedData   = cs.decode(encodedData);

·         CharsetEncoder and CharsetDecoder classes accept a chunk of input to be encoded or decoded.
·         The encode() and decode() methods of the Charset class return the encoded and decoded buffers to us.
·         The following code shows how to get encoder and decoder objects from a Charset object.

Charset cs  = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
CharsetEncoder encoder = cs.newEncoder();
CharsetDecoder decoder = cs.newDecoder();