Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Theory of Computation (TOC) Important / Assignment Question Download UNIT 2

Write set of string consisting of any number of a including null string, followed by   any number of b including null string, followed by   ... thumbnail 1 summary
  • Write set of string consisting of any number of a including null string, followed by  any number of b including null string, followed by  any number of c including null string.
  •  Convert the given regular expression to equivalent DFA?  
  • Using pumping lemma, prove that the following language is not regular where
  • Explain decision problem?
  • Write the statement of Arden’s theorem.
  • Construct finite automata equivalent to the regular expression-
  •  Construct a regular grammar generating the regular set represented by
  •   Find the regular expression for the following automating.
  • Set of string consisting of any number of a (including null) followed by any number of b (including null) followed by any number of c (including null) is equivalent to
  • Convert the given regular expression into DFA –
  • Calculate regular expression from the above transition system-

  • Prove the following language is not regular -
  • Define pumping lemma for regular sets.
  • Find the regular expression corresponding to the following DFA
  • Construct the finite automation equivalent to the regular expression
  • Define regular expression let  
  • Construct a transition system M accepting L(G) also metion the rules for such construct.
  • Describe the following set by regular expression {0,00,000,………..}.
  • Convert the regular expression 1+(0+11)0*1 into its equivalent NDFA.
  • Describe pumping lemnca for regular sets.
  • Construct a regular grammar equivalent to the DFA.

  • Write the name of regular expression properties.
  • Construct transition system for the following regular grammar-
  • Prove that the set is not regular
  • Obtain a DFA for the below regular expression- 
  • A regular expression corresponding to following subset of {a,b}. “the set of all strings containing at most 2 a’s”
  • Construct a DFA with reduced states equivalent to the regular expression 10+(0+11)0*1
  • Show that L={oi1i | i>=1} in not.
  • Construcst a regular grammar are gernerating the regular set represented by a*b(a+b)*