Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence

What is Problem Solving ? AI Problem solving is a process where an AI agent tries to reach a goal with an intention to find the solution t... thumbnail 1 summary

What is Problem Solving ?

  • AI Problem solving is a process where an AI agent tries to reach a goal with an intention to find the solution to a certain problem. 
  • Artificial Intelligence aims at making such systems which are capable of solving various problems on its own.
  • When a new problem is solved by the AI process, first, the AI agent maps the problem States into action. If the problem is too large and cannot be mapped directly by the agent, then the agent splits the problem domain into sub problems. It now solves the sub problems separately and then it clubs the results so obtained in order to get to the solution for the whole problem.
  • Problem Solving in games such as “Sudoku” can be an example. It can be done by building an artificially intelligent system to solve that particular problem. To do this, one needs to define the problem statements first and then generating the solution by keeping the conditions in mind.
  • Based on the type of problem, different agents employ different techniques like trees, heuristics, b-trees etc. to reach to the solution of the problem. Such agents are also referred to as problem solving agents.
  • Problem solving agents are goal based agents which work with an aim to reach the goal with an apt solution for the problem.  

Examples of problems in AI

AI is being used widely in order to reduce the time and effort required to solve the problems and increase the efficiency in the applied area. AI has been applied in the following areas efficiently:

  • Gaming
    • Chess
    • Sudoku
  • Logical Puzzle Solving
    • Boolean Formulas
    • N Queens Problem
  • Real World Problems
    • Travelling Salesman Problem(In this problem, millions of components and connections are positioned on a chip in order to minimize the area, circuit-delays, stray-capacitances, and maximizing the manufacturing yield.)
    • Protein Design (the objective here is to find a sequence of amino acids which fold into 3D proteins which help in curing some diseases.)
  • Tower of Hanoi
  • Water Jug Problem

 Problem Solving Process

  • Defining The Problem: The definition of the problem must be included precisely. It should contain the possible initial as well as final situations  which should result in acceptable solution. 
  • Analyzing The Problem: Analyzing the problem and its requirement must be done as few features can have immense impact on the resulting solution. 
  • Identification Of Solutions: This phase generates reasonable amount of solutions to the given problem in a particular range. 
  • Choosing a Solution: From all the identified solutions, the best solution is chosen basis on the results produced by respective solutions. 
  • Implementation: After choosing the best solution, its implementation is done.