Solving problems based on
matrix involves intensive calculation work and even a single mistake will be
done, then user will not able to get the correct result. You have to enter
elements for each row and column. Only entering data for each particular index,
does not solve the problem. Getting output and processing tasks involved in
getting the desired result is much hard work. You to find the center value by
eliminating the values of other indexes. While making multiplication, you have
to multiply each element with other element of second matrix. It processing
work involves multiplying each row element of first matrix with every column
element of other matrix. If you will solve this problem manually, then it will
take some time and time also depends on the type of matrix. If the matrix size
will be 2×2 then it can be solved easily, but if index size will be greater
than 3 or both matrix indexes will be differ, then it’s hard to solve the
problem within 5 minutes. So to save your time, this system can be used to
match your solutions just by entering few details about the type of matrix and
about their elements.
Existing System
Although the existing
system also provide computer oriented solutions to get the matrix
multiplications results but the existing system cannot be used for different
sizes.It cannot be used for those matrix whose index sizes various and this
system can only be used for those matrix whose index sizes are of two
dimension. You will also be able to calculate multiplication of two matrices
have dimension size 2×2. But you cannot able to get results on matrices having
size greater then 2, so you will not able to check your result at a time. The
existing system also not able to display the entered elements while displaying
the final results, so that user can verify their entered data.
Proposed System
The current matrix
multiplication system will able to provide results of any desired matrix size.
Users will be also provided with options to choose the matrix size before
entering the elements value for that particular matrix. Once the matrix size
has been entered for both matrices, you will have to only enter the elements
for each matrix and your work is done. You do not have to work more with this
system and rest work will be performed by the login written on the back side of
the screen. It will able to display the final results along with elements of
each matrix.